
Mad Writer-Scientist Giggler

  As you may be able to tell, I've been reworking my website. Grrr. And reworking my website. Argh. And… reworking my damn website. Keep a lookout for flying frying pans. I've moved my nearly two years of blog posts from blogger to WordPress and revamping my marketing strategies; all while in the rewrite phase… Continue reading Mad Writer-Scientist Giggler

happy mother's day, mother's day, mother's day blogs

Mother’s Day Edition

Happy Mother's Day, mommies! A thankless job comes to a head this Sunday morning to test all our little boogers on their merciless "thank you" skills. A day for us moms to bask in the laziness of the day and reap the rewards of motherhood. All in one day. What rewards? Do I get a trophy?… Continue reading Mother’s Day Edition