Acting, behind the scenes, How To, humor, self-help

Get Ready With Me: Actor’s Edition

Get Ready With Me: Actor’s Edition

As we barrel through those backlog of files…

our, random topic, mill is in full force, people!

How awesome is that!

Uhhh… it’s SO AWESOME.

It was suggested some time ago, that I’d do a little vlog about what happens in the actor’s life when we audition, book a job, and really… what happens in between all that?

So, here we are.

MANY delays, and time passing later… it hath been accomplished!

A pretty fun avenue to stroll down. IMO.

A get ready with me; estraordinaire.



And, a, I’m just so happy to share with GET READY WITH ME…

With YOU!

This year, as I have already mentioned, I have been getting through the many files of backlog past; altho, kinda in the present.

While I’ve been pretty astute at getting the channel content up on YouTube, my corresponding blog posts have wained.

Obvi, I’m keeping up on them right NOW.

But, each week this first quarter has not been so successfully written – when it comes to the blog part, that is.

However, I’m happy to report.

Here I am. Here you are.

And here it is, we are a reading! Er.. writing! Posting..? Anyway..


It was long overdue for a Get Ready with Me! And, today, I had gathered all I could find that correlated to getting ready for that acting side of life that I still work.

I don’t talk about this too, too much.

And, it’s not because I’m all, hush hush. Oh, no, no.

Quiet over there.

Okay. Got it. May I?

It’s really more of a time constraint issue. The amount of work I’m juggling all day long – with all the things – proves to limit my chat-a-abouts – where if I’m just yackity-yacketing, the work doesn’t get done.

Because, duh. Chatting is oh! So, fun!

Am I right? Or am I right?

Which brings us to the video, some of you have been waiting for; and maybe nobody (well, maybe not, nobody; maybe somebody’s)

…really cared to hear about either haha

Either way, if you’re here for the writing and reading, author-related content, it’ll be here soon! (psssttt…. check out our weekly writing & productivity sprints in the meantime!)

For now, we’re pushing through all this fun, distracting, content full of random things this spring + summer!

If you’ve been curious, or wanted to find out what actor’s do to audition these days, prep to leave for a set of a booked job, and wondered how we maintain in-between all the things.

Then today’s post is for you.

Auditions have switched to online castings for the most part. I search job boards, just like every other professional.

When I hit a filming day, I’ve made annotations to the script in my hand, I’ve memorized it – yes, I aim to be off-book, for every audition, and call-back.

I have found that’s the most professional, preparation-geared, activity I can achieve. Also, I’m a helluva good memorizer!


*things that make you go hmmm…


How fun was that?!

I somehow always try to figure out how I get so much done in a day when I see these videos.

I’ve tried block-scheduling. Always run over the time block.

I’ve tried hyper-scheduling. Always feel anxious w/the minutes.

I’ve tried multiple notebooks for each project.

Which, now that I’m thinking about it, actually does work. Except, for the part where there are some items that cross over into different notebooks, and then I lose consciousness over where the heck the notes, “for that one thing,” went.

Can anyone relate to that?

The secret for me is, just lots of note taking. Lots of over scheduling. Lots of writing things – and rewriting things – down multiple times, in multiple places.

The way I see it…

If I had to write it down, rewrite it down, in multiple places and spaces, then quite literally, I just need to sit down and Git ‘Er Done.

Procrastination can be the death of progress.

So, in essence, the approach of anything, and all the things I am trying to always do, is to JUST DO IT.

(and no, not like the dumb sneakers. forget those. i mean IRL.)

Just do it.

It sounds so black & white. So hard & fast. So yes or no.

Which truly, can be overwhelming at times, for even me, the proffessional – proverbial – juggler of, all the things!

OH, NO. Heavens NO!

It’s me acknowledging that this just doesn’t always work!

So, I gotta tell you about the HB90 Course that happens every quarter! Sarra Cannon of Heart Breathings Community, opens up her course that helps creatives like you and me, finally get our sh*t together!

I had usually been pretty good at getting all kinds of things organized, finished, knocked out; however, organized or random, done without incident. No problem.

But, the last few years – approximately, nearly 10 years, for that matter – I had found myself just flailing about. I’d take a course here, a seminar there. I’d do a little of this, a little of that. With no real intention, no real focus. No ideal mode of transportation to an end goal!

I started feeling lost, and behind all the time.

And I mean, I felt behind, every day, for everything, all matters – foreign or domestic. I had no energy left for even waking up in the morning; yet, I had done nothing all day.

Last October, you may have noticed, that I started joining in amongst the living again. Engaging online like I used to.. getting involved in other activities, groups, & communities both in the webiverse & IRL.

You may have seen, I had more of a clear vision on what “things” – not only that I had set out to do; but “things” I knew I NEEDED. To do.

It was like the ‘missing link’ was CONNECTION.

CONNECTION: to others’ of likeminded interests

CONNECTION: to groups/communities that helped enhance my mental, and emotional health, in positive and growing ways

CONNECTION: to myself, my needs, and what I’m called to do

It has been truly amazing to see how this post evolved into this revolutionary discovery of myself; from the eyes of a simple post on what I’ve been up to when it comes to the acting in film/tv component, what it takes for me to do it every day, how I audition, what i do when I get the job, and the results of what comes to be.

I did not see that coming today!

But, did any of us?

But, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Idk. blogs?

Idk. Oh! I remember.

That topic of ‘growth’ & ‘self-reflection’ thing.


do you audible? click here

Always growing, and acknowledging how the evolution of our being can come to be? What little dots of one action, can move us into another, then another.

Until finally, reaching our full potential. Our possibilities of compounded interest from the bits of work we put in each day can turn into realized dreams?

Fast forward a bit to near-end of NaNoWriMo, as we move into December. And, as I learn about myself, and my consistency-driven, writing routines… I discover even MORE!

Sarra Cannon. And, the Heart Breathings Writing Community.


Can this be true?

More support & love geared to the author, the creator, and an overall support system on how we, as creatives, can get organized–

No. This is a supportive and caring group. No smacking around.

That might be more accurate. lol I’m pretty hard on myself.

But, that’s part of what I’m saying I’ve learned about within this AHHHMAZING community of writers!

Not all disciplines are of the same cloth. We don’t have to ‘smack ourselves around’ all the time, for all the things!

My mind was blown!

So, nearing the end of the year, in December, I learned that Sarra offered a product, and EVEN MORE, AHHHMAZING, involvement opportunities for us creatives!

I cannot say enough how much this course helped me get my stuff together, and the friends I’ve made and the strides, man… the strides! Professionally, for my goals and projects!

Yup. Personal stuff is better balanced too!

And, honestly, I couldn’t even begin to tell you how to do anything she mentions here in this course either.

I’m still a newbie heartie!

Therefore, still learning the ropes, still figuring out which best laid out plans will or wont work for me.

But, the roadmap here is EXEMPLARY. What Sarra offers in this course – I can say from experience – is life changing!

Did we steer this ship today… or did we veer this ship today?

Nobody knows, but I feel we made some great points, and plans of attack for those of us curious to enhance our time-management abilities; and I’m always happy to share what I’m learning along the way too.

So… as always, thank you for stopping by, and hanging with me for today’s post! We always entangle ourselves here into something fun, and adventurous. We start in one place, then end in another.

But… the takeaway for me is…

Isn’t that what life’s about?

The journey?

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